Execore Spectrum's human-centered approach offers the following suite of organisation development services aimed at enhacing client capabilities. We collaborate with our client partners, deploying a participative style, involving client members, from initiation till implementation.

People & Culture
Undeniably, people are the strongest asset any business can have. And while organisations do have their people frameworks and policies in place, we often find that many workplaces are fraught with people issues. Indeed, despite having some of the best people practices, organizations grapple with talent motivation and subsequently retention concerns, thanks to their deep-rooted culture.
With time, culture needs to evolve and we support businesses in this journey by diagnosing the areas needing change. Our specialists help assess your organisation's current culture through surveys, interviews, observations and group discussions. We experience your culture to understand how it impacts your business through your people and then analyze how we can sow seeds for the much needed change in your culture.
Businesses suffer when they don't have a strategy or have a vague one. Without strategy, a business may exist, but it surely doesn't have a competitive edge. Organizational strategy serves as a beacon for the business. Without a right strategy, it is a matter of time till a businesses stagnates or gradually declines. Moreover, a constant strategy won't suffice; the changing times in the business landscape require you to tweak your organizational strategy from time to time.
Execore Spectrum helps you evaluate and draw coherence between your organizational strategy and goals. Does your strategy fit? We help you change your strategy tracks to align with what your ogranisation wants to acheieve.

Organization Structure
Having the right organization design is elementary to any business. It comprises of group formations, reporting lines, functionalities, communication flows, etc. Without this as a cornerstone in your business, it is bound to face hardships in areas like leadership, communication, inter-team relationships, execution and delivery. In fact, a great organization design encourages collaboration, employee motivation, efficiency in processes, delighting customers and more, while a poor design can result in exactly the opposite, causing fatigue and loss.
We help assess your existing organization design to check for gaps in the structure and share ways and means of optimizing your organization design.
Operating Models & Ways of Working
A healthy organization structure is supported by robust operating models interspersed with helpful ways of working. When an organizations operating models are complex or not optimal to serve it's purpose, they become cumbersome and are not effective. Often operating models and ways of working in an organisation conflict within themselves or don't support each other. In an ideal organisation design, the operating model has to be aligned with the vision and subsequently effective ways of working need to be developed.
Our team of change experts can help analyze whether your organisations ways of working are supplementing the operating models you have in place. Whether you need to rethink your operating model or ways of working or both, we are here to help.

Intertwining Knowledge & Processes
Knowledge management is vital for organizational effectiveness, yet so many organizations don't deploy the knowledge at hand optimally, especially in their work processes.
Execore Spectrum's change agents help you identify gaps in your processes and embed your in-house knowledge in them, so as to optimize them. Effective processes pave the way to organizational effectiveness!
Capability Building & Transformation
Orgnaizations come to a point where they struggle to grow to the next level, unless they care to build in additional capabilities. Research has it that transformation in organizational performance sees light of day, when apt capability programs are implemented within. While we all know that industry leaders like L&T, TCS, Accenture, Bosch, SBI, the Reliance Group, the TATA Group, and many more have strong capability building programs in place, which not only play a vital role in their performance and growth, but also help them deal with change and transform by responding to challenges that they are faced with. Unfortunately, there is a vast ocean of businesses who do not yet realize the potential of capability building and hence aren't able to transform.
We partner with businesses to effectively create capabilities within so that they can gear up for the next level of growth, or to deal with challenges or turbulence in the business environment. Our aim is to equip our client fully so that they make transition with confidence and ease.

Learning for Sustenance & Growth
The theory that we have learnt and hence know it all, simply never existed. Yes, all of us our continuously learning, by choice or compulsion. Organizations that embed learning as a way of life in their ecosystem, find it easier to plan their stages of growth and diversification. They are able to do more with their talent pool and have room for innovation and creative thinking to cope with changing times.
Execore Spectrum offers a wide range of learning solutions to enable organizations to plug gaps between the 'As Is' and 'Desirable State' of being. Right from productivity-oriented to leadership development programs, we offer both open as well as customized learning programs.
Delivering Enhanced Value
While change is desirable it is difficult to measure and gauge how it is benefiting you. We understand any organizations need to account for change mechanisms they are deploying and the investments they make.
We promise to not only to deliver the value you seek, but also make it measurable in terms easy to understand and accept.